Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest and most revered forms of treatment and is therefore one of the most effective and sought after forms of Holistic Health Solutions. Its existence and history goes back many centuries but the effectiveness of its healing qualities have never waned. Chinese medicine takes into account the oneness of the body, the spirit, the mind and nature. It is proven that all these elements work hand in hand to create and sustain the healthy body. It ensures the very best health and healing results. That is exactly what Maggie’s Holistic Health & Mildura Acupuncture is about.
Like Chinese medicine, acupuncture is an extremely positive method of providing healing. Acupuncture is rejuvenating and relaxing; even more so at Maggie’s Holistic Healing due to the personal service that is offered to our clients. At Maggie’s Holistic Health, we help you to achieve optimal health through the caring and sensitive nature of our services. We believe that is what healing should be about. The client’s needs must be put at the front of all concerns and that is exactly what you will experience at Maggie’s Holistic Health & Mildura Acupuncture
In addition to rejuvenation and relaxation, we use our skills to rid you of fatigue and stress and help you with weight loss and digestive and fertility issues. These are issues that area the core of every-day living; therefore, we take them seriously. We also provide you with solutions that will give you solid relief from aches and pains and help you to sleep better. At Maggie’s Holistic Healing, we put great emphasis on helping you to live a better and more wholesome life in a general way while focusing on specific aspects of your health.
Let’s use Chinese medicine and acupuncture to rid you of some of the common ailments which have a negative on your enjoyment of life. Just come in, talk to us about the health problems that you are facing and we will devise a strategy that will greatly improve your well being.
What to expect from Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
People’s expectations of the benefits to be derived from Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture are usually high. This is understandably so as together they are Holistic Medical Treatments. Holistic Medical Treatments are unique and to get them at Maggie’s Holistic Health & Mildura Acupuncture is even more exceptional as great effort is put into ensuring that that the service is personalized.
Acupuncture has been practiced for more than 2,500 years in China and has become the most popular therapy in the western world. To complement acupuncture we use other areas of Chinese medicine : Chinese herbs, cupping, guasha and Chinese massage. These procedures combined adequately take care of dozens of simple ailments. These include insomnia, arthritis, neck pain, dizziness, depression, anxiety, emotional disorders allergies and angina. In addition, both Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture also cater to relieving the addiction to nicotine and alcohol addiction and disorders related to your respiratory system.
Your Chinese medicine and acupuncture experience at Maggie’s Holistic Health & Mildura Acupuncture will help you to deal with all of these ailments and more. We look forward to seeing you.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is not so much about inserting needles as it is about understanding the physiology of the body. All parts of the body including the skin and organs are connected through network of meridians(channel). This network forms a system which regulates the transport of nutrients, functioning of organs and defense of the body against pathogens.
There are 12 primary, 12 divergent, 8 extraordinary and 15 luo-connecting channels belonging to this system. Acupuncture points are located on the pathways of these channels and manipulated using needles, moxibustion, guasha or massage to achieve the best treatment effect.
A personalized diagnosis
One disease has many causes in TCM and a practitioner must find each person’s unique cause of disease before the right point combinations can be applied. Each person is unique and our bodies respond to illness in different ways.
Acupuncture is a medical procedure and therefore must be practiced by qualified practitioners who have received extensive and proper training. It takes a minimum of 4-5 years to train as a professional Chinese medicine acupuncturist.
In Australia, acupuncture practitioners use sterilized, single-use needles and must follow infection guidelines.
What does Acupuncture treat?
Women’s Health
- IVF acupuncture support
- Pregnancy problems and infertility
- Pre-menstrual syndrome(PMS)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)
- Painful, irregular, heavy or no period
- Endometriosis
- Vaginal thrush
- Menopause
- Diminished libido
Urogenital disorder
- Kidney disorder
- Erectile dysfunction
- Prostate problem
- Urinary tract infection(UTI)
Men’s Health
- Diminished libido
- Impotence
- Low sperm count and motility
- Weak erection
Musculoskeletal disorder
- Neck & shoulder pain
- Lower back pain
- Knee, ankle & heel pain
- Sciatica
- Sports injury
- Frozen shoulder
- Arthritis
- Carpal Tunnel syndrome
- Tennis elbow
- Post operative pain
Respiratory Disorder
- Asthma
- Cold, fever & flu
- Hay fever & runny nose
- Nosebleeds
- Sinusitis & Rhinitis
- Lung immune function
- Sore throat
- Cough
Skin Disorder
- Acne & Pimples
- Dermatitis
- Eczema
- Psoriasis & shingles
- Dry skin
- Urticaria (rashes)
- Skin allergies
Autoimmune Disorders
- Crohn’s disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- Myasthenia gravis
Cardiovascular Disorder
- Chest pain & Heart disorder
- High blood pressure
- Stroke recovery
Digestive Disorder
- Indigestion
- Heartburn(gastritis & hyperacidity)
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Nausea & vomiting
- Constipation & diarrhea
- Haemorrhoids
Neurological Disorder
- Headache & migraine
- Meniere’s disease & dizziness
- Facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy)
- Facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia)
- Children’s health problems
- Weight loss
- Quit smoking
- Internal organ problems
- Cancer support for radiotherapy, chemotherapy & operations.
Please contact our clinic to find out how we can help you.
Cupping therapy:
The cups are suctioned on to the body along the channels/meridians or in an area where there is pain.
The Function of cupping are improving circulation, clearing toxins, strengthening the body, balancing the internal organs and reducing pain caused by blood or qi stagnation.
Even cupping has so much benefits, but like all treatment it is not suitable in every situation or for all body type.
GuaSha (Meridian Scrubbing)
The technique is to repeatedly scrape the surface of the skin over specific meridians and acupuncture points in order to unblock the channels and rid the body of pathological causes of disease.
Guasha clears stagnant qi(energy), blood and toxins in the meridians and muscles. The stagnation of Qi, blood and toxins are often the cause of stiffness, sharp or dull pain. Scrubbing dredges the muscles and meridians very quickly removing the stagnation.
Scrubbing the skin repeatedly can activate the opening of the pores, increase the passage of a fluid through a specific organ or an area of the body, eg. the tissues, activate blood circulation, activate cells, promote and strengthen discharge of metabolic products and relieve pathological elements and toxins.
It has a very quick effect on painful disorders, such as stiff necks, acute back pain, etc. Scrubbing can provide immediate relief to painful areas of the body. Scrubbing heps to activate the flow of qi and blood, invigorate Yang Qi, remove old blood and toxins stuck at the site of trauma.
Tai Chi, Qigong & Meditation
Taichi, Qigong and meditation are three of the best ways to release and relieve yourself of stress. The exercise of these three very important aspects of Chinese medicine are intricately intertwined in the full experience that you get at Maggie’s Holistic Health. It is important to get the full experience when engaging in Holistic Healing through Chinese Medicine. Make sure that you get all these experiences at Maggie’s Holistic Health and Mildura Acupuncture
Taichi which is sometimes described as martial arts is practiced mainly by the Chinese with whom it originated. It is used not only as a means of self defence training but also for its health benefits. This slow moving art will be tailor made and perfected to suit your style while you work your way to the healthy you at Maggie’s Holistic Health.
Like Taichi, Qigong is physical and takes into consideration breathing, posture and being focused. The word Qi is of great significance in the full word, Qigong. It is translated to mean the force and energy of life that flows through the universe. Your experience of Qigong at Maggie’s Holistic Health is definitely the best available. Not just because of its professional and expert qualities but also because of the extra care and attention that is given to clients at Maggie’s Holistic Health.
Meditation provides psychological, spiritual, and physiological remunerations. These psychological remunerations include a faster and much more effective reaction towards stressful situations, better stability emotionally and also causes improvement in self-confidence. It is good to engage in meditation. In a general way, it is good for you but in more specific terms it assists in making you less anxious and less stressed. That’s what Maggie’s Holistic Health offers.
A regular dosage of meditation will help to improve your immune system. A strong immune system is a plus for you whether you are a young, middle aged or an older person. A strong immune system will help you to fight off every day illnesses, especially the common cold.
Meditation not only assists you in fighting off viruses but also the stresses associated with your emotions. So when stresses and emotional instability step in, just step to meditation at Maggie’s Holistic Health & Mildura Acupuncture.